Explore the most frequently asked questions at Eton School Mexico.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many campuses does Eton School Mexico have?

    Three. Two are located in the Lomas de Chapultepec neighborhood of Mexico City. Alpes 1140 houses our Nursery and Pre-kinder grades, and Alpes 605 is home to our Kinder and Pre-first students. Our largest campus is in Santa Fe and caters to our Elementary and Middle & High School students (1st to 12th grade).

  • How long is the school day?
    Alpes 1140: 9:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
    Alpes 605: 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
    Santa Fe: 7:40 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  • Is Eton a bilingual school?
    Yes! Our youngest students are immersed in English during our Early Childhood program. Starting in Elementary, we build Spanish literacy skills into our curriculum so that our students become fully bilingual. In 1st grade, 80% of their day is in English and 20% in Spanish. From 2nd to 12th grade, classes are split 50% in English and 50% in Spanish.
  • Is riding the bus mandatory for students?
    Riding the bus is mandatory for Santa Fe students as long as we have a bus that reaches their neighborhood. The bus is optional for our Early Childhood students.
  • How many students are there per group?
    Groups have between 22 and 26 students per group to allow for individualized attention.
  • Do students wear a uniform?
    They wear a uniform on the two days a week that they have PE class and for field trips.
  • Do you offer any extracurricular activities?
    Yes. At Alpes 605 and Santa Fe, students can participate in a variety of activities, from music and theater to a wide range of sports.


Eton School is one of the finest international schools in Mexico City. Our students earn top exam results and attend excellent universities. This happens thanks to our dedicated teachers and outstanding learning environment, motivating your child to go further in their academics and pursue their interests.

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