
What To Say —And Not Say—When Exam Results Roll In

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What To Say —And Not Say—When Exam Results Roll In
What To Say And Not Say When Exam Results Roll In
Encuentro Magazine
Discover the most important moments of Eton school life in our Encuentro magazine.
Encuentro Magazine - May 2024
Elevate your game at our new IMG Academy sports camp this summer
New week-long basketball and football camps in August now open for registration.
IMG Academy sports camp

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News image Encuentro Magazine - May 2024 News
Encuentro Magazine
Discover the most important moments of Eton school life in our Encuentro magazine.
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News image IMG Academy sports camp News
Elevate your game at our new IMG Academy sports camp this summer
New week-long basketball and football camps in August now open for registration.
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News image Exploring Meaningful Ways of Assessing Students Blog
Exploring Meaningful Ways of Assessing Students
Assessments help teachers measure student learning and allow students to discover where they excel and how to improve.
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News image High Organization: An Essential School Practice Blog
High Organization: An Essential School Practice

At the institutional level, an organization is the design and establishment of structures, processes, functions, and responsibilities, as well as the methods and techniques necessary to reach objectives in the most effective way. The challenge herein is to ensure that all activities, areas involved, and resources used are coordinated to achieve such purpose.

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News image What is Education Blog
What is Education?
Education provides a structure for a life well-lived, a path to follow where fear and ignorance fall by the wayside. When education works, it fuels the natural curiosity of children and it makes us wonder, it makes us humble, it makes us joyful. I have devoted my professional life to education because I see it as the best way to prevent many of the social ills that we face as a society. Education can be a force for good, a force for social change, a force for liberation, and this can cause great concern among those that would prefer to control and to suppress.
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News image Why Participate in Arts and Sports? Blog
Why Participate in Arts and Sports?
Throughout history, human evolution has been deeply influenced by art and sports. From ancient civilizations to the modern days, there have been social movements marked by these activities: Mexican muralism and American football star Colin Kaepernick’s protests against racial discrimination are a couple of examples that come to mind.
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News image Teaching Freedom And The School Project Blog
Teaching Freedom And The School Project

Freedom of action, thought, and expression is the essence of the teacher-school relationship, which entails commitments and responsibilities on both sides. For a teacher, adhering to the educational project is possible within the concept of freedom. At the same time, the right to teach with freedom is possible within the curricular framework of principles and ethics.

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News image Teamwork: A Crucial Element of Success Blog
Teamwork: A Crucial Element of Success
People coming together, organizing, and cooperating comes from the need to complement each other to achieve a common goal that would not be possible if done individually. When working together certain processes are improved and streamlined, allowing companies and institutions to accomplish goals and daily tasks.
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News image Portada de la revista Encuentro News
Encuentro Magazine
Discover the most important moments of Eton school life in our Encuentro magazine.
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News image The Importance of Warm Blog
The Importance of a Warm And Effective Communication With Parents
When we talk about communicating with parents, we have to keep in mind that they are trusting us with what is most precious to them: their children. We are dealing with human beings, not objects or pieces, making our sensitivity, attention, and tact our most valued skills, not to mention how vital transparency, honesty, and subtlety are.
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