At Eton School, a team of specialists in child development and psychology works with Preschool students through dynamic observation, making targeted interventions to ensure students succeed on the early stages of their school life.
Psychologists help develop skills through role-playing, allowing children to practice empathy by putting themselves in others’ shoes, identifying their emotions and reflecting upon their reactions. This supports peaceful and collaborative conflict-resolution.
They also assess cognitive development to identify learning difficulties that may require early attention. In this regard, psychologists advise teachers on implementing necessary differentiations based on children’s cognitive abilities, fostering an inclusive learning environment.
Furthermore, psychologists can pick up on signs that may lead to timely referrals for ruling out or diagnosing developmental disorders such as ADHD, ADD, autism spectrum disorder, and language difficulties.
Additionally, they provide guidance to teachers on managing complex behaviors in the classroom and creating environments that promote emotional and cognitive development in children. They also design strategies to boost resilience and self-esteem.
Psychologists support parents by offering tools for managing challenges at home, fostering children’s emotional well-being, and reinforcing the partnership between home and school.
Let’s remember that preschool is the foundation for our children’s cognitive and social emotional development, and everything we offer between zero and six years will help them face the challenges of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
María Esther Velicia
Preschool Psychologist