The environment is the third teacher, a generator
of possibilities with the mission to encourage
relationships and holistic learning
for those who inhabit it
Reggio Emilia Philosophy
For Ms. Margarita Arzac, founder of Eton School, reading and research were always essential. With this clear vision in mind, the first thing she imagined when planning the construction of our third campus was placing the library at the center, as the heart of the school. This desire was fulfilled not only in terms of location, but also symbolically.
As technology advanced and research tools evolved, electronic and reading media gained ground. Books, while fundamental, were no longer the only resources for information and knowledge. In response, the library evolved to house not just books and teaching materials, but also computers, mobile devices, and a range of platforms and applications.
With these changes, the name of our library no longer fulfilled its meaning and content; it was then when Ms. Liz Panchuk, then Head of School, suggested changing the name to Information & Resource Center (IRC), in order to better encompass the diverse and enriching tools that were kept there.
The evolution continues. Today, we have two IRCs where reading, ideas, and knowledge thrive. These are academic and social meeting points where our students develop thinking through discussions, cultural events, exhibitions, and many other activities.