Nord Anglia Education
Eton School
01 November, 2022

Discovery Expedition in Switzerland

Eton Mexico students in Switzerland

From October 6 to 15, 2022, a group of 10th and 11th grade students embarked on Nord Anglia Education’s Discovery Expedition in the Swiss Alps.

Students faced physical and mental challenges during their trekking and exploration experiences near Geneva, developing risk evaluation, self-reliance, and leadership skills along the way. They learned how to read maps, use a compass, cook their meals with a camping stove, and other essential skills.

They trekked nearly 30 km and climbed almost 1,000 m in two days, and while exhausting, it also brought them a great sense of accomplishment to reach their destination. It was certainly a memorable and fun experience for our students, who came back with lasting bonds and many stories to tell.

Eton Mexico students in Switzerland